Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Goodbye Summer Blueberry Braid

I really mostly don't like the end of summer.  It always surprises me.  You think by now in subconscious clock would have aligned itself, but no.  The first streak of cool weather always sends me into an anxious mood, with thoughts like, "I didn't make all the food I wanted to this summer," and "I'm not prepared for Autumn." (Whatever that means)

But, this year I'm trying to be a little bit more rational about the whole thing because, of course, Autumn is coming, and is mostly here.  I decided I need to be okay with using that last of the summer finds along with the first of the Autumn.

I've had some frozen blueberries in my freezer for awhile and have been craving this favorite bread of mine.  I thought this is a perfect way to say a goodbye to summer.

Blueberry Cream Cheese Braid

1/2 T. Instant Yeast
1/2 T. Sugar
3/4 C. Warm Milk
1 C. All Purpose Flour

1 Egg
3/4 t. Salt
1/6 C. Sugar (eyeball it)
Up to 1 1/2 C. All Purpose Flour
1/4 C. Butter- cut into chunks, slightly softened

Blueberry Filling
1 C. Blueberries
2 T. Sugar
2 T. Cornstarch
1 T. Lemon Juice

Egg Glaze
1 Egg
1 T. Milk

Cream Cheese Filling
3/8 C. Cream Cheese- softened
1 T. Sugar
1/4 t. vanilla extract
1/2 T. Egg Glaze

Sponge: In a stand mixer, mix the sugar, yeast, and flour.  Pour in the warm milk and beat until smooth.  Cover with plastic wrap and let sit for 30 minutes.

Dough: Add to the sponge the egg, salt, sugar, and 1 C. of flour.  Beat until smooth.  Add the butter, one chunk at a time.  Add the remaining flour, a little at a time, until the dough is workable and the butter is fully incorporated. (I used the entire 1 1/2 cups)

Switch to the dough hook and knead until smooth and satiny, about 5 minutes.

Place into a greased bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let sit until doubled, 1 1/2-2 hours.  Deflate dough, recover, and place in refrigerator overnight.

Blueberry Filling: Combine all ingredients in saucepan.  Bring to a boil over moderate heat, stir constantly.  Cook until blueberries have released their juices and it's thickened. Cool before using.

Egg Glaze: Beat egg and milk until combined

Cream Cheese Filling: Combine ingredients and mix until smooth

Assembly: Have fillings made before you roll out your dough.  Take dough out of the refrigerator, reflate, then roll it out to a thin rectangle (about 1 cm, thick)

Spread the fillings into the center of the dough.  Leave a 1 in. gap at the top and bottom and about 2 in. on the sides (just depends on the size of the rectangle).  Cut 1 in. thick tabs along each side of the dough.  Fold the top over the dough, and alternating each side, fold the side tabs over the filling to create a braid.  Gently press to seal when you can.  Finish by folding the bottom up.

Cover with plastic wrap and let rise about 45 minutes.  Preheat oven to 350 while it rises.

With the remaining egg glaze, brush over the top of the braid.  Bake for about 35 minutes, until it's a deep golden brown.  Let cool 30 minutes before slicing.

This recipe comes from the wonderful Peabody over at Culinary Concoctions by Peabody

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