Saturday, February 25, 2012

How to: Roast Red Bell Peppers

For my first "How to" post I'll be showing you how to roast your own red bell peppers.  You should try it.  Besides not having the vinegary/briny taste of the bottled variety you also save a ton of money.  Especially when you get them 3/$1.00 like I did the other week.  I hadn't seen the ad, but when I walked through the produce department the sign made me stop in my tracks.  Growing up red bell peppers were a fancy vegetable- one we only had on occasion because they cost so much money.  It took me awhile to figure out it's okay to pay $1.00 for a pepper, but now we eat them often.  Still, 3/$1.00 is super cheap and deserves a little attention.  So, I put five in a bag. I thought that more might be a little ridiculous because I really had no purpose for them.  A few days before we left town I still had three and decided to roast them.  They will be put to good use when we return.

How to Roast Red Bell Peppers

1. The Actual Roasting

Preheat your broiler.  Set rack to highest setting.  Place peppers on sheet tray and place in oven.  Broil until black.  Like really black.  The more black the easier to peel.  It might smoke or ruin your pans (see above), so you can line with aluminum foil.  Alternatively, if you have a gas range, you can roast in the fire.  

2. Steam

 Place peppers in bowl and cover with plastic wrap.  This helps release the skins.  Let rest until you can handle with bare hands.

3. Remove skins

Using your hands (it's messy but the best way), remove the blackened skin.  It should come off pretty easily.  

 4. Chop
Remove the tops, membranes, and seeds.  At this point you can freeze for later use, chop, slice, or leave whole.  Enjoy!

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