Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cheese Take Two

First of all, let me say Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, with or without children of their own.  I know I felt every blessed to be a mother today.

So, back on Friday mine and S's cheese adventure ended in a curdled mess.  I pushed back pizza a day on our menu and figured we would buy some mozzarella.  S, in proving that he is in fact the greatest husband in the world tells me to buy more milk, not cheese.  So, now mozzarella is in my refrigerator not in my fears.  Besides feeling like a way awesome person who is resourceful and handy in the kitchen, making cheese was a great date for us.  Do something different.  That's our motto!

Here are some pictures from the adventure.  Sorry, they're just some snapshots.

S checking the temp of the milk

S and C checking out the curdled milk.  She was so excited that we were making cheese!

Curds waiting to be stretched.  

Stretching the cheese

Logs of mozzarella with oregano, basil, and crushed red peppers

Pizza!  There is no better way to eat mozzarella!

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