Thursday, May 3, 2012

What to Get Rid of

Apricot jam, that's what.  One more thing out of my fridge.  The problem with being so proactive about emptying our food stores is that I just finished our mayo.  Do I get a new one with only 5 weeks til the move?  Will I want mayo?  If I don't buy it will I be forced to use something else, or will I just be frustrated?  Who know, but it it exciting knowing that the food won't be wasted.  Also that all of my condiments now fit on my refrigerator door.

This week I made seared chicken with a lemony sauce, finished with apricot jam.  It's topped with sliced almonds and makes for a really nice dish.  This is a recipe I found when S and I were first married.  I worked at a really slow desk job and spent a good majority of my time browsing  I actually looked through their entire database of quick and easy recipes.  Yep.

This recipe isn't necessarily quick quick and easy, but it's not bad.  I usually have the ingredients on hand so it's nice when I haven't planned anything but have a little time.

Apricot Lemon Chicken

For 6 Servings

5 T. Lemon juice
3 T. Dijon mustard
2 Cloves garlic, minced
1/4 t. black pepper
5 T. olive oil- not extra virgin
6 Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 C. Sliced almonds
2 C. Chicken broth
1 t. Cornstarch- dissolved into 1 T. water
2 T. Apricot jam- you could sub peach or orange
2 T. Butter
1 T. Dried parsley
1/4 t. Crushed red pepper flakes

Combine lemon juice, mustard, garlic, pepper, and oil.  Place chicken in shallow container and pour marinade on top.  Cover and refrigerate at least one hour.

Toast sliced almonds in skillet.  Remove and set aside.

 Remove chicken from marinade.  Pat dry and reserve liquid.  To prepare pan to sear chicken, heat on moderate heat.  Pour a little vegetable oil on a paper towel and grease hot pan. Add chicken and cook, turning once, about 7-10 minutes per side, depending on thickness.  Remove chicken to plate and cover with foil.

Strain marinade into skillet.  Boil one minute.  Add chicken broth and cornstarch mixture.  Cook over high until sauce has reduced by half, about 5 minutes.  Add jam and cook until it dissolves.  Stir in butter and them parsley and red pepper flakes.  You can return chicken to pan and top with almonds or pour sauce over chicken on plate and top with almonds.

* You want to make sure you remove as much of the marinade as possible from the chicken.  The marinade burns easily.
* You don't want to burn the chicken, so you can finish the chicken in the oven if the sear is getting too dark.

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