Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sushi Night

Hopefully later tonight I'll write my "What to Get Rid of Wednesday" post, but I've been wanting to write this post for several days and have never seemed to find the time to do it, until now.  So, here goes.

Last week I made sushi for dinner.  California rolls.  My mother-in-law bought us the ingredients and rolling mat for Christmas.  She gave us a 30 minute lesson based on the hour lesson she attended.  So, I'm obviously mostly still clueless.  S loves sushi.  I've eaten it a total of three times.  I can handle California rolls.  Small steps.  Make sushi one night; try something new another time.

S was of course very glad to have sushi.  He "loves the way I feel after eating it."  I wasn't exactly sure how to serve it to C.  Most normal people would have just made her a PB&J and called it even.  Nope, I had to do things the hard way.  I gave her a couple hunks of cucumber and avocado (which she hates and won't eat) and then I sliced her a couple pieces of sushi.  That's when the fun started.

She picked it up and really had no idea what to do with it.  She tried it but didn't like the flavor of the seaweed. I doubt she could have bitten through it anyways.  Then, she tried to get the rice off but it was too sticky.  At this point the sushi was completely unwrapped and rice it all over the carpet and C is frustrated, especially when she put the crab in her mouth and again found an unpalatable flavor.  She ate a quesadilla.

What was more amusing was the end of dinner.  We all finished and were sitting around because we didn't want to get up and S decides to give C a taste of wasabi.  Not wasabi mixed in soy, but straight wasabi.  I think C was intrigued by the bright green color because when the chop stick came up to her mouth there was zero hesitation.

I honestly think my daughter is the only one year old alive that could eat wasabi, be completely disgusted by the flavor and then eagerly open her mouth for more.  This continued a couple more times until I decided her mouth was burning enough.  I'm not sure how I feel about this character trait, especially how it could translate later in life, but that night it got us laughing enough to forget about the rice smooched into the carpet.  And, enough to give me a little bit of hope that she will like day.

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